Despite frequent media coverage, the lush, forested hills of Melghat reveal a tragic reality: approximately 400 to 500 children under the age of six die each year in this region. Encompassing the Chikhaldhara and Dharni talukas, Melghat is home to some of the most isolated communities in India. To address this critical issue, Mrs. Supriya Sule, in collaboration with the Hon. Minister of State for Health, local administration officials, medical experts, NGOs, and a dedicated team from the Yashwantrao Chavan Pratishthan in Mumbai, undertook a comprehensive visit to Melghat. Their objective was to investigate the underlying causes of this distressing statistic and explore potential solutions to improve child health and reduce mortality rates in this remote area.
The visit involved a thorough assessment of the region's healthcare infrastructure, socio-economic conditions, and accessibility to medical services. By engaging with local communities and analyzing on-the-ground data, the team aimed to identify critical gaps in healthcare delivery and resource allocation. This initiative represents a concerted effort to address the systemic issues contributing to high child mortality rates and to develop targeted interventions that can bring about meaningful and lasting improvements in the lives of the people living in Melghat.