
The spread and advancement of education encompasses establishing and administrating educational institutions, such as schools, colleges, and universities. This involves providing scholarships for students in need and those who are underprivileged and offering fee subsidies.
We provide medical, surgical and maternity relief to the underprivileged sectors of society. This includes financial assistance for medicines, medical treatments, operations, postoperative care, and blood transfusions, among other forms of support.
Contribution to the spread of knowledge is achieved through subscriptions, contributions, and donations to other institutions dedicated to promoting and advancing education and expertise.
We understand that a child is not an isolated individual; their development is shaped by parents, teachers, peers and society as a whole. Consequently, any positive transformation in a child and society can only be recognized through collective efforts toward a shared objective.
We contend that defining the word ‘education’ is a complex task, given the substantial distinction between being literate and being educated. Our goal is to bridge the gap between the two.

Contact :

First Floor, Dubash House, 15, JN Heredia Road,
Ballard Estate, Fort, Mumbai, 
Maharashtra 400001   
E-Mail : Info@ppctrust.in